Trail Work
Volunteers clear a fallen tree from The Pot lake Loop of The Bluff Trail
April 6th, 2012
It was one of those magnificant red spruce trees that occur in patches of old growth forest on the east and west sides of Pot Lake. This one was on the west side.
Photos were taken by Paul Berry, who with his spouse Kimberley and Jim Carwardine, cleared the tree from the trail, making a new bench and stream crossing in the process.

Kimberly (with Peevee) and Jim (with chain saw and gas can) hike
into The Bluff Hiking Trail to remove some deadfall.
| "Its funny, I took the dog out onto the first loop that afternoon and
thought, crap, thats a big tree fallen, Ill have to talk Paul and Rich
about this once I get home. Five minutes later I bumped into the chain
saw gang!
Good job!"
- Mark |

The 160 year old tree that fell across the path.

The stump - once the cut was made.
| "We counted (estimated at 20 per inch) the growth rings on the tree we trimmed. Approx 160 years old. Using those numbers, the biggest tree, just up the trail by the one hit by lightning which is easily twice the diameter, would be over 300 years old..."
- Jim |

A new bridge across the stream.
A new bench next to the trail.

Kimberly kneeling next to a tree struck by lightning,
approximately 60 feet tall. |
Many thanks to Paul, Kimberley, Jim, and other volunteers for making our hikes on The Bluff Trail so pleasureable!
-David P. Co-chair, WRWEO |