Family Day on The Bluff Trail
Eighteen people, including five families with youngsters ages 3-12, participated in this WRWEO-sponsored, Nova Scotia Park Event on July 19, 2014. It was lead by Nanci Lee and David Patriquin, Co-chairs of WRWEO. We were joined as well by Troy & Christa with MoMo, Troy's Seeing-Eye Dog.

Setting Out

Taking compass bearings | At the trailhead, participants were given a brief introduction to the ecology of The Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail, and to using a Map & Compass. Then they dispersed to search for specific plants at points indicated on a map of The Bluff Trail ("biocaching"), take compass bearings on specified objects and to give UTM grid coordinates for some locations (see Activity Guide).
Noting Broom Crowberry at trail margins
Bog visible at west junction of
Pot Lake Loop and Indian Hill Loop
Six of the youngsters, ages 5 to 12 went around the whole of the Pot Lake Loop and located most of the items in Activity Guide, thus qualifying for our first Bluff Trail Steward Awards.

Cucumber Root |

Shingle Moss, associated with old growth forest, and Lungwort Lichen, an indicator of good air quality |
Troy talked about his perceptions of the trail including the smells and texture
of different types of vegetation, and the tricks to negotiating its sometime tortuous terrain with the help of MoMo.
We all learned new things about The Bluff Trail and ways of seeing it! |