Module 2

Woodens River Watershed Environmental Organization
Advance Stream Habitat Survey Field Data Sheet (Module 2)
River Code
1. Benchmark Location
2. Cross-Sectional Survey
BF Width (m)
Wetted Width (m)
Avg. BF Depth (m)
Avg. Wetted Depth (m)
3. Stream Discharge
Cross-section Area of Wetted Stream (m2)
Trials (sec)
Avg. Time (sec)
Avg. Velocity (m/sec)
Correction Factor
Avg. Stream Discharge (m3/sec)
4.1 Longitudinal Survey, Measurements
Length of Survey Site (m)
Upstream Survey Boundary (u of BM) (m)*
Downstream Survey Boundary (d of BM) (m)*
* distance upstream (u) or Downstream (d)
Habitat Type (pool / riffle)
Top of Habitat Unit (m)
Bottom of Habitat Unit (m)
Length of Habitat unit (m)
% Slope
4.2 Longitudinal Survey, Habitat Quality
1. Streambed Material
% Fines (<0.2cm)
% Gravel (0.2-5cm)
% Cobble (5-25cm)
% Boulder (25cm)
2. Percent Embeddedness
3. Instream Cover
# Pieces LWD
# Pieces LWD / Channel Width
# Rooted Cutbanks
# Rooted Cutbanks / Channel Width
4. Percent Pool Habitat
Survey Site Slope
Total Length of Pools (m)
Total Length of Reference Site (m)
% pool habitat
5. Off Channel Habitat
Present / Absent
6. Bank Stability
Active Bank Erosion
Bank Stabilization
# Slides
7. Length of Bank with no Veg (m)
Left Bank
Right Bank
8. Overhead Canopy
9. Riperian Zone
# Channel Widths
Coniferous Trees
Decidous Trees
Adjacent Land Use and Impacts
5. Habbitat Assesment Score
Total Score

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Last Updated on 9/20/00
By Bill Matheson