Maria Armstrong

Board member 2018-2019

I’m an environmental scientist in the student/early career stage with a passionate interest and expertise and  in water quality and the protection of freshwater resources. Nova Scotia is my home and birth province. I started hiking on the Bluff Trails around 2010 when I was living in Halifax and attending Dalhousie University. My interest in being part of the WRWEO board is to support the activities, such as the Bluff Trail Stewardship program, that allow people to connect with the beautiful nature within this watershed without being at odds with its function as a complex ecological system. Water is the lifeblood and of the natural world, stream networks are the great connectors, and due to this the stewardship and management of land is often divided on the basis of watersheds, an area where water flowing from the high points of the landscape drains to a specific river, lake, or sea. I hope that my education and experience can be of use in the planning of continued water quality monitoring and protection efforts in the watershed.