Science & Stewardship

With nothing more than your cell phone or camera, you can enjoy learning about the kinds of life in the area and at the same time, contribute meaningfully to science! Sign up for a free iNaturalist account at and get started uploading any photo or sound observations you make when you visit the trail. We only ask that you please be mindful to stay on the trail and cause a minimum of disturbance to the organisms you observe and their habitat.

Since 1995, we have worked with our allies in the community to support, learn from, and be involved in science on the Bluff Trail and in the Woodens River Watershed. To effectively steward the area that we are mandated to take care of, we need to understand the area and the changes it is going through; particularly in relation to our human presence & impact upon it. Science is the most reliable way we have to gain that understanding. That, in turn, helps inform our stewardship work.

Here are some of the species our users are finding on the trail:

Observations uploaded from the trail area are automatically included in The Bulff Wilderness Hiking Trail Project on the iNaturalist site.