At the intersection of the first and second loops a few hikers who are not familiar with the area have been confused and rather than looping back on the Pot Lake Loop have headed out on the Mi’kmaw Hill Loop thinking that they were on their way back to the trail head and parking lot when in fact they were heading further out into the wilderness. This has necessitated at least one wilderness rescue by Halifax Search and Rescue.
WRWEO created way markers that consisted of rebar painted the colour of the trail markers: yellow for Pot Lake Loop and blue for Mi’kmaw Hill Loop.
We placed these way markers at the intersection and it helps most people who find the area confusing. However, the buckets and rebar are also subject to some abuse and the rebar has gone missing – thrown into the bushes. The buckets have been kicked and thrown around and also used as garbage cans. All hikers on the trail should carry out their waste.