Long Boardwalk replacement Phase 2 complete – November, 2024

Our two year project to replace the long boardwalk has now been completed, with the completion of Phase 2 (replacement of stringers and posts) in November, 2024. We are still in the process of completing final reports for our funders.

We completed Phase 1 of the project, the replacement of all the face boards on the boardwalk in November 2023, some funding that we needed to complete the whole project did not materialize, so we had to replace the boardwalk in 2 phases over 2 years.

Link to Google photo albums:

Phase 1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/DBsTLgReYdkrnwXA8  (with before and after pictures) cost just over $26,000

Phase 2 https://photos.app.goo.gl/yWNjWJoK3dcFUJdT7 cost just over $53,000

For your information here is a list of our boardwalks on the trail:
Boardwalks Coordinates Length (feet) Length (meters)
Boardwalk 1
30 9
Boardwalk 2
345 105
Boardwalk 3
48 15
Boardwalk 4
20 6
Boardwalk 5
30 9
Boardwalk 6
44°39’28.9″N 63°46’33.6″W
8 2
Boardwalk 7
9 3
We have estimated the location of the boardwalks (#2 and #3) in the following map based on GPS information we gathered on all our boardwalks and signage  https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1ttFZA2sC8XHESEbZYwRF-jm1nV2d5Kc&usp=sharing

We have received emergency funding from CCTH of $20,000 as well as a capital grant of $27,000. WRWEO recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage to develop and promote trails for all Nova Scotians. A portion of the emergency funding was used to fully replace the 3rd boardwalk, at a cost of just under $7,000, this work was completed in November, 2023.

We also received $10,000 from councilor Iona Stoddard – thank you very much Councilor Stoddard.

We also raised donations from Trail Users, WRWEO members, and other agencies to assist with the boardwalk replacement.

Finally, we received a $25,000 capital grant from Halifax Regional Municipality and thank them for their continued support of trails in the HRM.

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