Jellification of our lakes

jelly planktonStudies by Jon Smol and colleagues at Queens University on lakes in Nova Scotia and Ontario reveal a very worrisome trend – a change in the phytoplankton species associated with declining calcium levels. “Without calcium entering the lakes in run-off, some crustaceans at the base of the aquatic food chain, which make their exoskeletons from the mineral, are at a disadvantage, and they’re being displaced by species that have an jelly-like coating. These jelly-organisms are inedible to many predators, and disruptive to the lakes’ ecological balance.” (CBC report). Acid rain combined with inherently poorly buffered soils, especially in SW Nova Scotia, is the major driver; clearcutting is also cited as a factor. View references on our Water Quality Page.

HRM puts out RFP for Greenbelting & Public Open Space Priorities Plan

HRM“The Halifax Regional Municipality (the Municipality) invites the submission of proposals from qualified professional firms (and teams) … for the development of a Greenbelting and Public Open Space Priorities Plan (Open Space Plan) for the protection of a regional network of lands for resource conservation, public service delivery and community shaping. This Plan is a key deliverable under the Halifax Regional Municipal Planning Strategy (Regional Plan).” Pages 21 on give readers a good sense of the envisaged why, what and how of greenbelting for HRM. View RFP. (The Closing Date is December-04-14.)

Hunting Season

hunting vestDeer hunting season began Friday October 31st (season always begins on the last Friday of October) and goes to the first Saturday of December, inclusive, excluding Sundays. So the last day is December 6, 2014. Wear hunter orange when you are out on The Bluff Trail and put an orange vest on your dog. Deer hunting is permitted on protected land and that includes the area of The Bluff Trail. Both hikers and hunters should use extra caution during this season. View Dates for all hunting types

New Website

This is the Home Page for WRWEO’s new website. We are still doing some editing but most of the content from the old site has been copied onto this site.

This website is constructed on WordPress, a popular blogging tool. This will enable more of our volunteers to contribute posts directly to the website, edit pages etc. (The old website required more technical expertise to manage.) The design is similar with regular posts on the home page (as in a blog) and other pages providing information about WRWEO and The Bluff Trail.

We are not including comment boxes on any of these pages as the experience of the editor with other WordPress sites is one of a plethora of scam posts.

We do encourage comments, however, and submission of links to photos, articles, and items for posts. Please send those directly to us via

The older “posts” (on the old site under the heading What’s Up) have not been moved to this site. They can still be viewed at You will need to enter a username and password to access it. These are oldsite and oldsite2014 respectively.

Thanks for dropping by!

– David P