The WRWEO Board is meeting at the trail head on Monday June 27, 2022. Come out and see how we conduct our business and pick up a Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail tree cookie/coaster ($20), a waterproof map ($5), or a pamphlet about the plants of the Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail ($5).

WRWEO needs to raise funds to replace the long boardwalk which will cost about $75,000. So please come out, buy some Bluff Trail items and donate.
Via PayPal
You can also donate to WRWEO via N.S. Trails & get a tax receipt, go to Donate Now Choose “General Donation” and specify the donation is for WRWEO or the Bluff Trail in the “Message/Instructions for NS Trails” section, and get a tax receipt.
Please also e-mail us ( to let us know about the donation. Thanks.
To Support the Bluff Trail Stewardship Program specifically, please make a cheque written to: St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association and mail it to WRWEO 223 – 3045 Robie Street, Unit 5 Halifax NS B3K 4P6 or online through the Canada Helps portal on the St. Margaret’s Bay Stewardship Association website ( – select: Bluff Wilderness Trail as the fund you wish to support. Thank you!