Bog Rosemary in flower on Hubley Big Lake

Bog Rosemary on Hubley Big Lake, June 8, 2015. Photo by David P
Bog Rosemary on Hubley Big Lake, June 8, 2015. Photo by David P
A short paddling excursion on Hubley Big Lake at Halifax, Nova Scotia in early June reveals Bog Rosemary in flower & other delights…View video

The presence of Bog Rosemary at the inlet to the lake is indicative of low nutrient enrichment which is a desirable quality.

Click on the photo at left to view a larger version and see the beautifully textured leaves. View more photos in a Google album

Wild flora on The Bluff Trail, June 6

Rhodora in full bloom on The Bluff Trail, June 6, 2015
Rhodora in full bloom on The Bluff Trail, June 6, 2015
I went to The Bluff Trail on a very wet Saturday, June 6, 2015 to greet hikers on behalf of WRWEO. (We maintain The Bluff Trail.) I met only four people over 4 hours, so I had lots of time to enjoy the wildflowers and textures of plants on The Bluff Trail. View a few that caught my attention. A YouTube Video offers more description and context.
David P

Membership (only $10) supports The Bluff Trail

Lady's SlipperThe Bluff Trail and other activities of WRWEO are maintained by volunteers. Taking out a membership in WRWEO/The Bluff Trail costs only $10 and helps support those activities as well as giving more credence to our collective voice. You can now do this online. In the afternoon of today (June 6) which is International Trails Day, a WRWEO rep will be greeting visitors on the First Loop and offering membership and map for $10, or the map alone for $5. Its a good time to see Pink Lady’s Slipper and other late spring wildlfowers.

Halifax Green Network Public Consultations May 30 – June 20, 2015

“Halifax Regional Council has identified the need for a strategic vision and a planning & implementation framework for protecting and managing open space. The public is being asked to give input into the plan. Here’s a list of the upcoming public engagement opportunities. Please join us. We want to hear from you!”

Saturday, May 30th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Pop-Up Event
Halifax Central Library, 5440 Spring Garden Road, Halifax
Continue reading “Halifax Green Network Public Consultations May 30 – June 20, 2015”

The War on Water in Harrietsfield, Nova Scotia

An article in Halifax Media Coop by Rebecca Hussman describes the struggles of the Harrietsfield-Williamswood community to have their drinking water properly tested and to gain access to safe water. “Despite all the publicly available documents dating back to the early 1980s which indicate high levels of uranium in the area, no health impact studies have ever been done within the Harrietsfield-Williamswood region.” View article

Saturday April 25, 2015: Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Hike

You’re invited by Our HRM Alliance to join CARP and Ecology Action Centre members on a hike in the Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Wilderness Area. The hike will start and end at the Maskwa Aquatic Club on Kearney Lake (91 Saskatoon Ave, off Kearney Lake Road, Halifax). Meet in the parking lot at 10am, the hike goes to 1pm. The route will include Charlie’s Lake, the Stone Fireplace and Fox Lake. Bring water, snacks, and appropriate clothing and footwear, as the hike will happen rain or shine! The hike will be led by John Moore of the Maskwa Aquatic Club, and the EAC’s Wilderness Coordinator Raymond Plourde will be present. Any questions can be emailed to Dana Lipnicki at

Profile of the Trails Movement in Nova Scotia

“Representatives of NS Trails and the Provincial Government have been meeting since 2013 as part of the Trail Strategy Working Group (TSWG). The TSWG has researched and chosen a process to develop the Strategy and has written a Profile of the Trails Movement in Nova Scotia, a background document to inform discussions regarding development of the Strategy. This profile provides a snapshot of where the trails movement in Nova Scotia is currently. We are excited to finally be at a place where we can begin to develop the strategy with your help…The next opportunity to contribute to the development of a Trails Strategy for Nova Scotia is to attend a regional engagement session in your area.” These sessions took place from April 13 to April 23rd, 2015.

WRWEO AGM will celebrate 20 years

springWednesday April 1st 2015, 6pm at Tantallon Public Library.

This AGM this is a special one. We will

  • celebrate WRWEO’s 20th Anniversary;
  • report on our business conducted during the year
  • select a new slate of Directors
  • vote on a Special Resolution to accept a revision of the WRWEO By-Laws

Please Share Your Thoughts:

As Part of our anniversary celebrations Nanci Lee (WRWEO Co-Chair and Poet) is asking members and friends of WRWEO to share their thoughts/comments/memories/poetic insights of the Woodens River, the watershed area, and/or the Bluff Wilderness Hiking Trail. Nanci plans to compose a found poem using the words that you share. You can send your thoughts to:

Sunday Hunting on The Bluff Trail?

hunting vestDNR is considering making hunting legal on Sundays in Nova Scotia. This would mean that during deer season, for example, hunting with high powered rifles would be legal on The Bluff Hiking Trail on Sundays. If you have a contrary opinion DNR wants to know. Please use the link below to register your opinion before April 10.
“The Department of Natural Resources wants to know how you feel about lifting the ban Sunday hunting. This consultation will inform the department in ensuring the best approach around Sunday hunting in Nova Scotia.
Comments and submissions will be accepted until mid-night, Friday, April 10, 2015. Go to the link for more info and a questionnaire.